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hey everyone tip Scofield here and I’m really genuinely excited for this video it has been about seven years since I have looked at a new PC monitor I’ve had my old one for about seven years now and it’s about that time to get a new one so with that being said it’s time to take a look at the BenQ ex3 51 r it’s a 35 inch curved monitor and for me personally my biggest priorities are workflow and productivity and then of course video editing as well those are the top three and then on the side I’ve started to do more and more PC gaming now that I’m streaming on Twitch so gaming is also a factor for me there now so I want to go ahead open it up show you real quick what comes with the monitors and walk you through the setup process and even give you some examples of how you can use it for workflow even video editing and even some gaming as well oh and also as a very quick side note BenQ is hooking it up with a discount code for you guys on Amazon very easy to remember you take the model number e^x 351 R and just add a 15 in front of it 15% off the Ben QX 351 R on amazon link down below we’ve gone mobile for this part of the video just because this box is so large so opening it up for the first time beside you have some software Quick Start Guide basic installation guide you have a few different cables right here the first one being an HDMI cable very basic as you can see you have a display port cable right there and then my favorite one USB type-c two USB type-c which is great to see no pun intended so that’ll work great because obviously my MacBook only has USB type-c ports and even my desktop has USB type-c slot on the back so I will be testing out

this cable in just a little bit you also have what appears to be a backplate for the monitor and then here is the larger than expected power brick and the extension cable to actually plug into the wall now that that’s out of the way let’s take look at what you’re all here to see foam to the side and here is that monitor I’m gonna go ahead and slowly and carefully take off this packaging all right so we’re back in the office figured I’d do a bit of a dramatic reveal for the monitor with the packaging on it so here we go Shh not as smooth or as dramatic as I would have liked but that’s okay because I’d rather than have protection on the display itself it has some tape on it I’m gonna have to peel all of this off okay now for what should be a bit of a better reveal we have the tape all off peel the top tape off and there it is the BenQ 35 inch curved monitor here’s a look at the back but you probably won’t see much of us has been cute curved monitor up and it looks like we’ve got one more piece of plastic right there let’s peel that off where it says Ben Q so with some difficulty here’s a quick look at the bottom you have a USB type-c slot 2 USB type a slots DisplayPort to HDMI ports and even a headphone jack as well ok so skipping ahead I plugged in the monitor I have the USB type-c cable plugged in which I will only use with my macbook or any other laptops my desktop I’m gonna use the HDMI

cable because that’s what my graphics card supports so first of all let’s turn on the monitor for the first time go ahead and press the button there’s a bunch of menu buttons right there but here we go I care HDMI BenQ boots up it’s not going to have any image it’ll say input not found or something like that no cable connected so let’s go ahead and grab our USB type-c cable should be able to plug it in any of these USB type-c slots on the macbook if I plug it on in I might have to change the input of the monitor it might not be set to default USB type-c alright so looks like we got to change the input let’s just go ahead and press the input button and then you can change it right here let’s select USB type-c very simple and there we go check it out that wide screen it looks awesome I don’t know if this is an extended display it is so it is extending my macbook display at the moment we can go ahead and swap windows real quick this is crazy this looks really good right out of the box you can make a bunch of different tweaks to it but right now I want to go ahead and plug it into my desktop now that I just show that the USB type-c will work and when you do use USB type-c it X as a hub so you can go ahead and start using those USB slots in the back of the monitor alright next up is the desktop get it all

booted up I just need to change the input to the HDMI one slot which I’ve plugged in and then it should detect auto detect and there we have it my desktop is all set up and good to go got some applications loaded up and out that wide screen let’s get a close look the bottom chintz were the biggest bezel is however the side and top bezels are very minimal making for a very slick look let’s just go ahead and pan over and just check out those bezels all the way to the right and then down at the bottom here is where all of those buttons lay where you can customize specific settings change inputs and power and to give you a quick look at some of those menu settings we can go ahead and go into them let’s see display picture where you can change brightness contrast gamma color temperature they just have a ton of different options that you can really customize it to your liking you see picture mode color vibrance low blue light super resolution go ahead and play around with these I know I’m going to just to find your sweet spot some audio settings and then of course your system settings very noteworthy setting this BenQ monitor has is the brightness intelligence plus the bi plus which BenQ is added and it adjusts your brightness and color temperature according to not only the ambient light in your room but also the display content on the monitor very similar to iPhones night shift and true tone technology which should really help reduce eyestrain

especially if you look at monitors for a long period of time which I do so that should help me and of course it will help enhance your HDR experience now if we go into Windows and go to display settings themselves you’ll notice HDR an advanced color pop-up where you can go into those settings because this monitor actually does have HDR capabilities resolution 34 40 by 1440 so that 1440p resolution we can go into the adapter with my gtx 1070 or the monitor is there you can change your screen refresh rate from 60 Hertz to a hundred Hertz if you would like to which I’m going to do right there and I’m going to go ahead and keep those changes hit okay that would also be a good time to install those drivers so I’d go ahead and recommend going to the BenQ website and download the latest ones for your monitor so now to give you an idea of how much this is really going to benefit me just take a look at my video editor this is CyberLink PowerDirector and it goes all the way from zero minutes on the left side all the way up to twelve minutes and thirty seconds so that’s higher than the average duration of most of my videos so I don’t need to go ahead and scroll back and forth to the beginning to the end on my video editing timeline I can just do it all at once without having to scroll back and forth or I can actually go ahead and minimize my video editor maybe throw it to the side here maybe bring up a Chrome browser and have that going on the left side and I still have six minutes to work with on my timeline here just another example of how much space you really have here’s a look at just

three Chrome browsers open where you can just quickly swap between all of them hey we just hit four hundred ten thousand subscribers thank you everyone really appreciate that that’s a that’s a good number for me I really do like like all the support we’ve been getting lately so thanks a lot and then okay back to the video so you see I’ve got three open you can just quickly switch between all three and just look at how much screen real estate you still have on all of those pages and finally of course you have gaming and I’m noticing right away the field of vision is much wider this is pub G for those of you wondering and just overall it seems to be very fluid smooth I’m gonna need a little more time with it to actually truly test it give it a little more vigorous testing for sure so more to come and my full review so stay tuned for that be sure you click that subscribe button also if you do want to follow me on Twitch I will be giving some more impressions on the monitor in my live stream later today so be sure to follow it I’ll link to it down below and that’s about it I hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to click that thumbs up button lots more to come on this BenQ monitor so stay tuned follow me on various social media i’ll links in the description below as always guys thank you very much

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